Ketevan from Georgia

Interviewee: Ketevan Kavtaradze
Interviewer: Nino Gergeshelidze 

What was the reason for choosing RheinAhrCampus from so many options which Tbilisi State University gives to its students?
Firstly I wanted to try Erasmus in a German university. I was interested in getting to know to the German culture because I was considering doing my master degree abroad and Germany was one of the top countries I thought as suitable to do so. Between the German universities offered by TSU RheinAhrCampus caught my attention due to the courses offered to international students such as courses related to management which is my module and, therefore, in my best interest, TOEFL preparation classes and the internship opportunity of course. I thought this would be the right place to develop my skills of not only studying but working in an international environment. 

What were the main benefits you gained from spending a semester in RheinAhrCampus? 
I think I got to be more professional than I was when I started working as an intern. I developed personally due to the cultural differences I face in everyday life while working with other interns from different cultural backgrounds or with Erasmus supervisors. I became more organized and improved my skills of time management which is so essential for surviving in German atmosphere J Between many benefits I received the majority of which I can not even name are the facts that I collected lots of credits, started studying a new language and gained work experience. 

Is the influence of studying abroad still helping you to lead your life in a better way? 
I am still a student of RheinAhrCampus and yes, I think Erasmus at RheinAhrCampus can have a long-lasting influence in somebody’s life. 

What are the top 5 things which you miss from studying abroad? 
I am definitely going to miss the place. It is a small city but six month is more than enough for it to become a part of your memories.  Erasmus friends from different countries, the university itself, local food and Rheine landscapes are also in my top 5. 

What do you think, how studying in RheinAhrCampus will help you in your future career/studies?
As mentioned above, mainly it will help me by giving me different work experience. Secondly, I was able to take some of the courses related to my future profession that I would not be able to take otherwise. It can also play a positive role if I will decide to apply for the German university in the future as I already have, I would say, quite successful experience of studying in a German educational institute.

What are the things which you would change if you had the possibility?
I would wish it to be easier for English speakers to find the accommodation independently, now it is a little more complicated for both Erasmus coordinator and students to find it first and then make decisions.

What can you say about the differences between students’ life in Germany and Georgia?
I think German students spend more time at university, they even do their homework and presentations at university building, for me, as a Georgian student it was a bit strange as we usually stay at university as long as it is mandatory and we prefer to study from home.
German students are also more active in other activities, they organize university parties by themselves and take more self-initiatives than Georgian students do.

What recommendations do you have for the student who has a willingness to study in RheinAhrCampus?
I would suggest them to wisely organize their six months abroad as it is not that long period as it may seem.
