Interviewee: Elene Sokhadze
Interviewer: Nino Gergeshelidze What was the reason for choosing RheinAhrCampus from so many options which Tbilisi State University gives to its students?
Tbilisi State University really offers a lot of options its students, but I chose RhenAhrCampus for the opportunities which make this university special, like having an internship, living in the middle of Europe, being part of the small university where everybody is friends. I knew about this environment from other exchange students so I knew what to expect.
What were the main benefits you gained from spending a semester in RheinAhrCampus?
Tbilisi State University really offers a lot of options its students, but I chose RhenAhrCampus for the opportunities which make this university special, like having an internship, living in the middle of Europe, being part of the small university where everybody is friends. I knew about this environment from other exchange students so I knew what to expect.
Is the influence of studying abroad still helping you to lead your life in a better way?
Studying abroad is so special experience which influences your whole life. You become more independent, self-confident and eager to follow your dreams. In my case, it also played a really big role and had a great impact on my personality as well.
What are the top 5 things, which you miss from studying abroad?
I really miss a lot of things from studying abroad. Traveling, hanging out with international friends, a healthier lifestyle, interactive classes and organizing different projects are the most important.
What do you think, how did studying in RheinAhrCampus help you in your future career?
Studying in RheinAhrCampus made me more aware of the international environment. I have already had a lot of international friends, we exchange our ideas very often which helps to enhance your knowledge. I know much more about different cultures and feel more independent. Studying in RheinAhrCampus made me willing to work with people with different nationalities and now I am working at the international company.
What are the things which you would change if you had the possibility?
I would travel even more.
What can you say about the differences between students' life in Germany and Georgia?
German educational structure is very flexible, so I could take classes on subjects that were not directly related to my major degree. In addition, classes were more practical and interactive. In contrast, Georgian students have more theoretical knowledge.
What recommendations do you have for the student who has a willingness to study in RheinAhrCampus?
You shouldn’t hesitate, studying abroad really worth to try your best and experience a new life. Everybody in RheinAhrCampus is very friendly and will help you at any time.
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