Nana from Georgia

Interviewee: Nana Bibileishvili
Interviewer: Nino Gergeshelidze 

What was the reason for choosing RheinAhrCampus from so many options which Tbilisi State University gives to its students? 
I chose RheinAhrCampus among all the other universities because of its rich tradition in higher education and international recognition. The curriculum was exactly what I was looking for. I was studying German and planning to continue my studies for my master degree in Germany. Undertaking a semester at RheinAhrCampus enclosed and introduced me to the European educational system and gave me the essential background for the accomplishment of my academic plans. 

What were the main benefits you gained from spending a semester in RheinAhrCampus? 
Studying abroad enhanced my knowledge in business studies as well as contributed to my English and German skills. Having day-to-day interactions with locals, getting accustomed to their habits, customs, traditions, and culture, gaining a first-hand judgment gave me the opportunity to broaden my horizon for life. The ability to succeed in a new and unknown environment enhanced my personal as well as professional skills.

Is the influence of studying abroad still helping you to lead your life in a better way?
That experience will be beneficial and useful as during the exchange semester you enhance your professional abilities and develop personally. It goes without saying that, you advance critical-thinking, become more productive and raise your competitive advantage.

What are the top 5 things, which you miss from studying abroad?
Traveling, Exploring new cultures, Hanging out with international friends and riding bike are top things that I miss from studying abroad.

What do you think, how did studying in RheinAhrCampus help you in your future career?
While studying in a European university, you become more aware of the education style, methods and standards provided there. It is worth mentioning that I had an opportunity to take up an internship at RheinArhCampus. That was my first internship experience, enabling me to develop project management capabilities and ability in multiple areas.

What are the things which you would change if you had the possibility?
I would definitely take on more responsibilities at the beginning. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new. 

What can you say about the differences between students’ life in Germany and Georgia?
Courses in Germany are more practical than in Georgia. Be ready for writing assignments and making presentations. 
In their free time, Students hang out at the local bar.  If your German friends tell you that they want to meet you at 7 pm. They really mean 7 pm and not 7:15 pm or 7:30 pm.

What recommendations do you have for the student who has a willingness to study in RheinAhrCampus?
Challenge yourself! The Magic happens when you step out of your comfort zone.
